Corrupt and defective memo file from iPhone dictaphone repaired. Get parts or all of your recording back.
Have you recorded something important with the…
Upgrading your Mac to an older version of macOS: A step-by-step guide and the benefits
In the world of technology, new updates and advancements are constantly released. However, when it comes to your Mac, upgrading…
How to Create a Bootable macOS Monterey USB Installation Key
Guide: How to Create a Bootable macOS Monterey USB Installation Key. 🇬🇧 If you need the English version, please visit:…
The Benefits of Clapping During Video and Audio Recordings: Optimizing the Editing Process in Final Cut Pro
When it comes to recording videos, podcasts, or YouTube videos, the simple act of clapping can significantly enhance the editing…
How to create a mail signature using HTML in Apple Mail
The disadvantage of not using HTML images…
Windows Program No One Talks About But Everyone Should Use!
Although we are named MacGeni, we also fix a lot of Windows computers for our customers. Whether it’s software to…
Beginner: How to buy a new or used iPhone online and what to look out for
Hej, mit navn er Mark Barner og jeg er ejer af MacGeni.dk – din Mac & PC ekspert.
I samarbejde med DBA vil jeg i denne video give dig nogle af mine bedste råd samt tips og tricks. -
Expert: How to change language on Adobe Photoshop CC
Mark Barner fra MacGeni.dk guider dig her med en engelsk video om hvordan du ændrer sproget på din Adobe Photoshop CC..
Author archive for markbarner
MacGeni - Din Mac & PC ekspert > Articles by: markbarner
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